Thursday, February 18, 2010

Aceh Traditional Wedding

1. Stages apply (Ba Ranup)
Ba Ranup is a hereditary tradition familiar conducted anywhere by people of Aceh, as a man applying for a woman.
To find a soul mate for the boy who was considered an adult then the family will send a wise man feels in his speech (called theulangke) to deal with this match. If you've got theulangke meant the girl who first he will review the status of the girl. If no one has, then she will deliver her intention to apply.

On the day agreed upon came a group of people who man the elder of her parents home with betel as a booster following bond contents. After the application is complete, the men would beg to go home and say goodbye to the woman's family asked for time to consulting with their daughter about the least acceptable proposal.

2. Stages of Engagement (Jakba Signs)
If the application is received, the man's family will come back to do the talking peukeong haba when the marriage will take place, including how much money to set dowry received (called jeunamee) requested and how many guests will be invited. Usually at this event as well as the engagement ceremony (called jakba sign).
On this occasion the men will take a variety of typical regional foods Aceh, buleukat kuneeng with tumphou, various fruits, a set of women's clothing and jewelry to suit the family's ability men. But if the bond is broken in the middle of the road caused by the man who decided the gold mark will be considered lost. But if the cause is the woman is a gold mark registration must be returned twice.

3. Pelaminan party
Pelamina party after the marriage between the prospective groom to the bride, this is a tradition or habit that is never lost in the Pidie Aceh cultures.

4. Dara Tueng Baroe
Baroe Tueng virgin is something done by the men in other words is the pick-up in customary law or in traditions of Aceh.

5. Lintoe Baroe Tueng
Baroe Linto Tueng is a thing done by the women in other words is the pick-up in customary law or in traditions of Aceh.

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