Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bugis Traditional Wedding

Wedding procession that is used by the Bugis-Makassar society. This wedding procession performed in Fort Rotterdam Castle yard and witnessed by dozens of foreigners who participate in TIME Travel Market event. The procession, among others Mappacci, Mappettu There, Pabbaji, and so on. Moreover TIME participants are also treated to a variety of traditional foods from Makassar.

This is a picture where the bride and groom are united in a single glove. This procession pabbajikang named. That is the procession that brought the bride for the first time before biting the wedding. Pabbajikang symbolizes the status of the bride and groom who are halal for each other. Usually one of the elder person like in the picture is wearing a white shirt-ed] to guide the couple to touch certain parts of the crown, cheeks and shoulders. in customary bugis, this procession is called Mappasikarawa.

The group groans, moans
Bridal procession in the yellow shirt getting ready bodo to the residence of the bride. Each carrying a gift that will be given as an offering or moaning-groaning for the bride. Usually groaned, moaned that contains a set of prayer tools, shoes, gold, cosmetics and so on. Party girl moaned, groaned carriers typically consist of 12 teenage girls and escorted by the groom's family.

Warren & Joyce
They are Warren Whittaker and Joycelyn Hill who come to see performances Makassar wedding ceremonies. According to their wedding in Makassar is very unique with a variety of bright color clothes. In contrast to the often seen in the environment in Sydney Australia. Joy just four months in Indonesia and was not scared with all kinds of news that is often encountered in the media. "what's wrong is people who do not Indonesian" Joyce says when asked about some incidents of explosion that killed Australians.

Passompa is one important part of the marriage procession. Passompa means one family member who's youngest bride.

Makassar Choir
This is the Student Choir from Hasanuddin University. They brought the songs of South Sulawesi in Tanah Toraja traditional clothes.

  wedding accessories | bad wedding | wedding gallery | wedding decorations | traditional wedding | modern wedding