Friday, February 19, 2010
Sundanese Traditional Wedding
A mojang Priangan (Sundanese girl) look on his face beaming in the days before her wedding ceremony. Soon he will marry a young man who had more choice than their 2-year bond mutual love or dating. Their families, both the women and men were from the Muslim family since her grandmother's grandmother first. Even the current study because the study at home to open a number of congregation of 70 more. However, in preparing their wedding choose custom prevailing in the area, with reasons for wanting to preserve the traditional wedding ceremony there.
In traditional Sundanese wedding, the day before the wedding was an event that is called the Ngeuyeuk seureuh Silahturahmi event or meeting conducted by the prospective groom's family to the prospective bride's family. The goal is to Silahturahmi and meet with prospective in-law respectively. Before the man's family arrived, the bride doing the cleansing of the bride is bathed with water Setaman flowers made by both parents and close relatives. Then proceed with the kerikan event pengerikan fine hairs around the face (eyebrows and cheeks) and neck of the bride. Then the event souvenir gift for the bride candidates.
Ngeuyeuk seureuh in this ceremony, using some equipment that serves as a symbol such as cutlery device according to the custom of betel which is as an opening tribute to the guest by the parents first. Both the bride requested that chewing betel creamed flavored nut, gambier, and betel. In addition to events that are full of symbols, there are many scenes that should be done by the bride matchmaker for example split into two, split the pumpkins, cutting Virgin jambe buds. And the show ends by removing the remnants of equipments that have been used in traffic lights.
On the day of "H" aqad before marriage, the prospective groom was dressed in a traditional Sundanese and their families a special welcome to the dance martial art that is played by a young female dancers. At the front door to greet her parents' bridegroom and his family with the jasmine kalungan to then face the pack archangel. Then aqad marriage begins.
After legally become husband and wife can not just walk in, there's more to follow ceremony are: ceremony, accompanied knock the door of dialogue between them to form sunda tembang or singing along with accompanying music, then proceed with the ceremony Endog nincak eggs by stepping on her husband and wife who washed her husband's feet, then step over a board and her husband lit the lamp and the lamp was also the husband of the burning stick, palm tree which then stick was dipped into a jar of water held by the wife. And sticks were thrown to the four winds (west, east, north and south). Then solved with the water jug. There is also the nyawer (yellow rice sprinkled over) who do not at teritis roof. Which then displayed a pair of newlyweds sitting alongside and accompanied the girls dressed virgin and clothing that opened aurat.
Others again with the bride's parents are also throwing yellow rice, mixed with coins and candy up for grabs the girl and a virgin. And still there was the bribe or bribe-huap environment starting from the parents of each feeding their daughter, followed by another organ of bribes between pasan new wife's husband, and this traditional ceremony ended with the release of a pair of pigeons by a second mother the bride as a symbol of sincerity of the parents to remove their children.
Traditional wedding ceremony is one of the above procedures for marriage in our society, and of course more traditional wedding ceremony is different for each region-bada. Eg Javanese wedding customs, Lampung, Sumatra and the other was not in accordance with Islamic teachings.
If we look at wedding ceremonies picture above, how many scenes that made by the bride with her family. All circuits scene no one recognized by Islam, but why keep well done? Only for reasons of preserving indigenous ancestors?
Try to compare between regions with customary marriages wedding ordinances in Islam, certainly much better and honorable way of Islam, because Islam is the only perfect religion teaching in all areas.
Islam has had a procedure more respectable marriage, why is also taking an existing customary marriages around us? Which can plunge the perpetrator to things that are forbidden in the Shari'a. The things that are commonly carried out by Muslims in our society, but forbidden to Muslims, such as:
1. Dating
Namely the introduction of the bond of love that prolonged (many years) without any legal bond according to the Islamic religion (aqad). This is unlawful because the perpetrators can be misleading at the heart of adultery or fornication minimal eye or even the actual fornication.Information about fornication nasty in Al-Quran surah Al-Isra verse 32, which means:
"Do not approach adultery adultery is actually a wicked deed and a bad way."
2. Engagement
The event is commonly known engagement with the ring exchange, usually a man (prospective bridegroom) to enter the ring on the fingers of women who will marry. In fact unlawful in Islam two people who are not mahram touching. Because the Messenger of Allaah `alaihi wa sallam never touched a non-mahram woman, as in a history of Aisha radliyallahu anha, she said:
"Nothing ever hand Messenger of Allaah` alaihi wa sallam touched the hand of a woman unless the woman who had been his. " (HR.Bukhari, At-Tirmidhi and Ahmad from `A'ishah)
Not only that what is forbidden, but the ring exchange ceremony itself is a Tasyabbuh (resemblance / to imitate infidels) with the "west", and wearing a gold ring for men is also unlawful.
Not to mention that most parents think that once engaged, the bride is officially considered to be his partner was allowed to go just to be alone, which it is also unlawful ruling.
3. Ikhtilath
Mixing of men and women who are not mahram in one place makes it possible to view each other or talked directly (without hijab). This is forbidden in the Sharia (see description of this problem in the Salafi edition V).
4. Bil Tasyabbuh infidels
Resemblance to the unbelievers in this matter as this custom is inherited from the ancestral religion of this nation is Hindu or Buddhist religion. Shallalahu Prophet alaihi wa sallam said to his people who follow events unbelievers, it will be included among them, as in the words of his:
"Whoever imitates a people then it belonged to them" (Ahmad in HR.Imam juz musnadnya II p.50, and Abu Dawud with a chain of transmission jayyid, dishahihkan Al-Albani in Saheeh al-Sagheer Jamiush hadith no. 6025).
Still in Tasyabbuh practices with those non-Muslims is a bertabarruj (adorned themselves) to be viewed by a non-mahram, scraping the hairs on the eyes (eyebrows), wearing clothes that do not cover private parts, shook hands with a non-mahram (guest - guests in attendance).
5. Wearing bun
Both the bride and the guests who were present, they usually wear buns or wigs in order to beautify themselves. These actions are strictly forbidden in Islam.
As the arguments below:
"Surely that caused the Children of Israel perish is because they take this (false hair) for their women" (HR.Bukhari, Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, and besides them).
"The Messenger of Allaah said:` alaihi wa sallam: There are two groups of experts to hell I never saw them, a group of people (people) who have whips like the tail of the ox, which they hit someone else. And the woman who turned away from obedience to God from what they have to maintain, and do actions that are reprehensible to women the other. Their heads were like hump (hump) mendoyong a camel, they do not go to heaven, nor have the smell, and actually has wafted the smell of paradise distance so ... so. " (HR.Muslim)
6. The high cost of dowry or bridal gift
With a lot of weddings are a waste of money, then the standard dowry would be expensive, but best dowry is the most expensive as the Word He shallalahu alaihi wa sallam:
"From 'Uqbah ibn Amir, he said: The Messenger of Allaah` alaihi wa sallam said: The best dowry is the most expensive (for men). " (Saheeh hadeeth narrated by al-Hakim and Ibn Majah, see also Saheeh al-Jamius Sagheer 3279).
7. Treasure squander or Money,
Usually this happens at the peak of walimah reception or event. In their opportunities dissipate (excess-more), especially in terms of food decorations wedding places, and some even carry out this program for 7 days and 7 nights. They think that marriage only occurs once in a lifetime so it should be rang. Events that cost this much money often comes from debt. This is not the case that can be precious and sacred of God and His Messenger is not like the things exaggerated.
8. The existence of dances Accompanied by Music
Dance accompanied by music is something that is forbidden in Islam. Moreover, the dancers dressed woman opened the genitals and watched by many men. It is true the word of Allah Shallalahu alaihi wa sallam who said that: It's from my ummah there will be some people who justify adultery, silk, wine (liquor) and musical instruments. "(Saheeh hadeeth narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Abu Daud).
Subhanallah .... What is said by him shallalahu alaihi wa sallam was common (general) occur in our society without fear of sin at all.
9. Kesyirikan
In setting a good wedding day, often going kesyirikan by counting days in order not to fall on a bad day. There is also a giving offerings to the gods or certain souls to get approval and survived the marriage proceedings and others. And we know that the greatest sin is not forgiven (if not to repent) is the sin of shirk.
In a sacred atmosphere like this (walimatul care), usually the angels of God were present amen to his prayers, and this time also includes time maqbulnya prayer. But if in the event like this many irregularities or violations of sharia, how could an angel of grace will be there? and how prayer can be answered? What will become of households that will be undertaken later by the bride had if not the accompaniment of good prayers of the people who were present at the time.
Such phenomena we encounter in our society. Too many disobedience everywhere, not just in one area alone but in all areas throughout the world. Hopefully with this short article can be useful for parents who would marry his son or the man who will marry. Wear Islamic ordinances that have been dituntunkan by Prophet alaihi wa sallam shallalahu to obtain from Allah barakahnya to both families and households that will be lived one day