Outline of Procedure and Order Wedding Ceremony Batak Na Gok is as follows:
1. Mangarisika.
Envoy's visit was unofficial men to place women in the context of exploration. If the door open for a suit then the parents want him to sign (a sign of the woman holong and eye signals). Type of gift items for the wedding can be a traditional Batak cloth, gold rings, and others.
2. Wall Marhori-hori / marhusip.
Discussions between the parties that apply and the proposed, limited in the kin relationships, and not known by the public.
3. Marhata Sinamot.
Parties relatives of the groom (in a limited number) comes to the relatives of the bride to do marhata sinamot, talking about honest money (tuhor).
4. Pudun Sauta.
Without a male relative party hula deliver containers with chopsticks and rice side dishes (which had slaughtered cattle) received by the parboru and after dinner followed by a portion Juhut division (of meat) to relatives of members, consisting of:
Relatives clan mothers (hula-hula)
Father's clan relatives (dongan Tubu)
Members of the clan-law (boru)
Pengetuai (older people) / pariban
Saut Pudun end the activities of the family of the woman and the man agreed to determine the time Pamasu-Martumpol and masuon.
5. Martumpol (read: martuppol)
Signing of the agreement customary marriage by the parents on both sides of the marriage plans of their children in front of the church officials. Partumpolon ordinances implemented by church officials in accordance with applicable regulations. Follow-up is Partumpolon church officials announce wedding plans of both families through the church news, which in HKBP called Tingting (read: tikting). Tingting should be conducted twice a day weeks in a row. If after two lawsuits Tingting no other party can only be continued with the blessing of a marriage (pamasu-masuon).
6. Martonggo King or Mary King.
Is a pre-wedding activities is mainly ceremonial custom which was held by the organizers absolute customary marriage which aims to:
Preparing the interests of customary marriage of technical and non technical
Notification to the public that at a given time there are wedding customs regarding marriage and that the other side does not hold a traditional wedding at the same time.
Apply for a permit to the surrounding community, especially dongan sahuta or use of public facilities in the planned party.
7. Manjalo cheekbone Parbagason (Wedding Blessing)
Validation of the bride wedding customs procedures according to the church (the blessing of the marriage by church officials). After the blessing over the wedding the bride is valid as husband and wife according to the church. Once completed the entire event pamasu-masuon, both sides are participating in the event-masuon well as pamasu who did not go to the residence of parents / relatives of female parents for a party rally. Party demonstration by relatives of the man called the party Mangalap parumaen (read: parmaen)
8. Performance party.
An event is a celebration of the joy of traditional marriage sons and daughters. Feature party is sharing the joy of shelter:
Portion distributed to relatives is parboru portion juhut (meat) and the portion of money (tuhor ni boru) divided according to the rules.
Portion distributed to the relatives paranak is dengke (read: dekke) and ulos divided according to the rules. Performance feast ends with bringing home a bride to the home paranak.
9. Mangihut in Ampang (dialap sell)
The bride is taken to the groom who was hailed by male relative accompanying the sale of food containing ulos lid provided by the relatives of men.
10. Sell Ditaruhon.
If a party to the marriage was performed at the groom's house, the bride was allowed to return to where their parents and then brought back by the namborunya to namborunya. In this effort paranak provide manaru mandatory (wages drive), is in selling dialap effort manaru unknown.
11. Paranak eat together at the residence of the man (Daulat ni si Panganon)
On arrival of the bride and his entourage at the bridegroom's house, then diadakanlah meal with all the invitations that were willing to go to the groom's house.
The food you eat is the food brought by the parboru
12. Paulak Unea.
After one, three, five or seven days of the woman lived with her husband, then paranak, minimum groom with his wife-in-law went to the house to express his gratitude for the wedding went well, especially good condition at the time the bride's maiden (This event legal aspects are more related to the sanctity of the woman until she entered in the marriage).
After completion event une paulak, paranak returned to his home / house and then start a new life.
13. Manjahea.
After a while the bride and groom married life (if he is not the youngest), then he will dipajae, which separated the house (residence) and livelihoods.
14. Maningkir Ladder (read: manikkir stairs)
Some time after the bride and groom marriage especially after stand alone (home and his living has been separated from the parents of men) will come to visit parboru purpose paranak with maningkir ladder (which is a ladder here, is a newlywed households) . In this visit also brought parboru food (rice and side dishes, and dengke sitio tio dengke simundur-back). With the completion of these steps maningkir visit the finished sequence na gok customary marriages.
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