South Kalimantan Province is located in the south of the island of Borneo. Geographically, its natural state consists of low plains, marshes, rivers, both large and small, and the highlands and mountains with valleys and ngarainya. In the south and the east coast and is surrounded by the sea.
Based on place of residence and ethnic origin, tribe Banjar divided into three groups, namely:
Banjar Kuala, in regions and districts of Banjar Banjarmasin. They come from ethnic Ngaju.
Banjar Batang Banyu, in the Barito river flows into the river and continued down to the river country in Kelua Tabalong. They come from ethnic Maanyan.
Banjar Pahuluan, along the foot of Mount Meratus from Cape to Pelaihari. They come from ethnic Dayak and Hill.
Banjar Life Cycle familiar with the traditional ceremony that one of them is Wedding Ceremony.This ceremony is one part of the life cycle that must be overcome.
In the past people generally do not know the Banjar term "dating" before entering marriage as we know it today. However, when it was only known the term "batunangan". That is, the bond agreement of both parents of each to nominate two of their children one day as husband and wife. The process of "batunangan" is done from a young age, but is generally done after puberty.It is only known by both parents or next of kin only.
Implementation of the marriage ceremony and the process takes a long time. This is due to the various processions, among others:
1. Basasuluh.
A man who would not normally directly mated mated, but look for suitable candidates girl with the boy and the family. This is done naturally existing considerations, or that it is often said of people considered "seed-bebet-weight" first. Having found the right candidate immediately sought to know whether these girls were taken to edit or not. This activity in terms of language called BASASULUH Banjar.
2. Batatakun or Apply.
Having believed that nothing is proposed to a girl who has chosen the sending delegates from the man to propose, these delegates must be clever tongue so that an application filed by a party acceptable to the girl. If the proposal is accepted then the two parties then negotiate about the next meeting of the day Bapapayuan or Bapatut honesty.
3. Bapapayuan or Bapatut honesty.
The next activity after the application is to talk about marriage problems. Party sends envoys return man, this messenger task is to try to issue the requested marry the girl's family does not exceed the ability of the man.
To be able to deal with a representative of the family man, especially in terms of tongue, then the party the girl's family had asked the family or neighbors and other acquaintances, who also is an expert in speech and tongue.
If you've reached an agreement on the marriage issue. So then determine the next meeting of Maatar dishonesty or Maatar Patalian.
4. Maatar dishonesty or Maatar Patalian.
An activity leads to the problem of marrying the girl who meant as a sign of bonding. Also as a sign that the marriage will be implemented by both parties. This activity is usually carried out by the mothers, either from family or neighbors. If the event is Maatar honesty has done so and then talk again about the wedding and marriage.
5. Implementation Bakakawinan or Wedding Ceremony.
Before the day of the wedding or marriage, the bride made preparations, among others:
a. Bapingit and Bakasai.
For prospective brides who will enter the threshold of marriage and marriage, he could no longer freely as usual, it is intended to keep the things that are not desirable (Bapingit).
In this Bapingit usually used to treat the so-called self-Bakasai in order to clean and take care of yourself so that your body becomes clean and shiny, or glowing face when placed in the aisle.
b. Batimung.
It is usually very disturbing on the wedding day is the amount of sweat that out. This is certainly very disturbing, especially the bride, the sweat will damage the powder and can be soaked wedding dress. To prevent that happening then pursued called Batimung way. After the bride Batimung body became fragrant as it gets the influence of the steam was jerangan Batimung.
c. Badudus or Bapapai.
Bathroom Badudus or bapapai is implemented as uapacara the transition process between adolescence with adulthood and also as an antidote from penghalat or evil deeds. The ceremony was performed at the time of the afternoon or evening. The ceremony is held three or two days before the wedding.
d. Marriage (Implementation of the Marriage)
This is the coronation ceremony the bride and groom to enter the gates of marriage. Election day and the date of marriage according to the Arab-month or month good Hijri. Usually the wedding ceremony does not pass the full moon.
Activities at the marriage ceremony, among others:
1). Bride Badua Salamat.
This is intended for the safety of the bride and the whole family that the marriage ceremony. In this reading of the prayers led by Penghulu or leading scholars in the village. Done procession invited guests to enjoy meals that have been provided. This lasted until the Maarak Bride.
2). Bahías or Merias Bride.
Around 10 am, workers have come to the dressing of the bride's house for makeup. These activities include the face makeup, hair and pakian, and other fittings such as Palimbayan and others. For the groom, this Bahías after midday prayers.
3). Maarak Bride.
If the bride was ready dressed, then immediately sent a messenger to the men that the bride was waiting for the arrival of the groom. So then Maarak Bride diadakanlah ceremony. At the time the bride maarak usually accompanied by art or Horse Sinoman Hadrah Gepang. Women also held a party the same thing to welcome the groom is also to entertain the guests.
4). Batatai or Basanding.
The groom's arrival was greeted with the blessing of the Prophet and the blessing of the bride was blown out of the wall brackets to welcome the groom. In front of the door, the groom was greeted by the bride, for a while they biting at the door, then they were taken to the Center for biting Warti officially.
If enough time has been biting, both families are descended from Central Warti for later raised keusungan or called Jinggung stretcher, accompanied Gepang Horse art. After the stretcher Jinggung both families placed in the bridal petataian Kencana called Geta. Then proceed with the bow to the parents of the bride and the audience as well as eating rice income (Badadapatan). After the second wedding dress for a rest.
e. Bajajagaan Bride
On the first night until the third since the wedding day, usually held Bajajagaan event or wedding guards, whose contents with artistic performances, such as Bahadrah or Barudat (Rudat Hadrah), Bawayang Skin (Wayang Kulit), Bawayang Gong (Wayang Orang), etc. Mamanda .
f. Prostration
Three days after the marriage ceremony, the bride brought to kemuadian parents house the bridegroom to bow to the parents of the groom. At night guards also held a wedding ceremony in order to entertain the couple's intimate berkasih it.
The next day they were brought back to the bride's house for the next stay in place with the bride's parents of the bride to regulate family life. If have been able to earn himself then separated in the sense of separation in terms of eating alone, but still living with parents of the bride.
That process is performed the marriage ceremony by the tribe Banjar in the past. But in the current era globalsasi marriage procedures have been abandoned by many people especially the Banjar. This is caused by the times, which automatically deemed no longer suitable to the ancestral cultures such as the marriage ceremony. And is also considered too long-winded.This is very sad for us, culture is taught ancestors were hereditary Instead we simply leave it without any effort to preserve it. However, there are also areas that still carry out the procession.As in the Margasari Kab. Tapin, there is still conducting the procession, but not all implemented. It means there are certain parts that are not performed anymore because it was considered no longer appropriate.
At the present time in terms of looking for a wife no longer influence parents play an important role, now young people looking for soul mate in terms of reach by way of courting as has been stated in the beginning was. In urban communities are rarely used procedure for this kind of marriage, but surely there are people who still do it.
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